The summary of this terms note focuses on crop propagation and cultural practices, Agricultural practices, and Animal Feeds  and  Feeding .


In this course we will learn about safety; study about first aid and rescue operations. We will also explore materials and how useful they are to man, explore geometrical constructions; study lines, angles and circles.  Finally, drawing practice where we will learn about  triangles and polygons.

Jesus being one of the Trinity, was sent to the word in form of human  to save mankind,  recognizes His true family as that who does the will of His Father[God Almighty].

Business studies profile picture.pngBusiness studies profile picture.png

This course is a flow from Basic 7 that opens you to a world full of opportunities in Business and various professions or careers. It is a very important course that cuts across all fields making you skillful in getting income while fulfilling your passion

 Information Communication Technology (ICT) is an extensional term for Information Technology (IT) that stresses the role of unified communication and the integration of telecommunications (telephone lines and wireless signals) and computers, as well as necessary enterprise software, middleware, storage and audiovisual, that enable users to access, store, transmit, understand and manipulate information.

For this term, we would be exploring the different aspects of Nigerian history, spanning from pre-colonial times to the post-colonial era. We would be learning  about non-centralized state in pre-colonial Nigeria. 

For each non-centralized group we would study their origin, location, socio-political structure and the economic activities.


In this course, we shall be looking at prose; Narrative and Descriptive, and features of prose. We shall further look at Poetry, Drama, Figures of speech  and reading.

The journey in this course will be an interesting study of life and its characteristics, as well as the study of non-living things. We will understand  matter, see what it is made of and engage in the activities of transforming matter from one state to another.